Sunday, July 8, 2012

Oh the things kids say... (and do)

As the first semester of classes come to a close here, I am feeling good and a little worn out, looking forward to our week long break coming up next week. For me, my time as a JV is about building community and relationships, about trying to live simply and intentionally, about exploring spirituality, striving for social justice, learning, growing, being present, and so much more. While work, which for me is teaching, is not the sole focus of this experience, it is a place where I have spent a lot of time, a place that continues to help me grow, a place that I have come to love. My coworkers certainly play a significant role in that, but my students are able to bring a smile to my face over and over again. This year, I am teaching English classes to primary (preschool through 6th grade). Although, I continue to enjoy my time with the secondary students, the little ones give the best hugs and just have a way of saying things that brighten my day and make me laugh. Here's a few of the funny (and just downright cute) things I've heard this year:

-During recess with second grade girls
            “Close your eyes, profe.” -girls say with their hands behind their back
            “Wait, not yet!” -as another girl joins them
            “Ok, now.”
                        “Ok, but what are you going to do to me??” -I ask nervously
      Without responding to my worry, they tell me to open my eyes and each of the three girls has a handful of flowers held out to me – so precious! Their teacher who is sitting right next to me starts to shake her feeling at them (smiling the whole time because it really was just so cute and she wasn't actually angry) saying, “You girls need to stop picking all the flowers!”

-In the middle of class in second grade
            “Profe, are you in love?” -second grade boy
                        “What? Why do you ask that?” -me
            “Well, you just taught us the word kiss in English!” -second grade boy

“You know we don't have a car or a TV in our house or cell phones, right?” -me
            “Profe... (astonished) what do you do to distract yourself?! Don't you get bored?” -students

-Conversation with a fourth grade boy during recess
            “Profe, you are skinny (as he pats my stomach). You need to eat more to be like me (and he shows 
                  off his round tummy).”
      Anytime I see this student, he pats my stomach and then says, “Ooo.” I'm not actually sure if it's an approving or disapproving “ooo” but it's entertaining regardless.

-Interaction with a fourth grade girl
            “Profe, give me your eyes.” - student
            (sidenote: I actually hear this request quite often as the majority of Nicaraguans have dark brown 
              eyes and see my eyes as exotic and beautiful.)
                        “If I give you my eyes you won't be able to look at them.” -me
            “Of course I will... in the mirror!” -student

-Numerous students
            “Profe, do you have kids?”
                        “No.” -me
            “How old are you?”
                        “I'm 24.” -me
            “You're 24 and you don't have kids?!”

-Teaching animals
            “What does cat mean?” - me
                        “Gato” -students
            “What does dog mean?” -me
                        “Perro” -students
            “And horse?” -me
                        “Uva?” (Uva means grape) -first student
            “No. Now remember we are talking about animals. Anyone else?” -me
                        “I know, manzana!” (Manzana means apple.)
            I don't think they quite understood me...

I love my students and am so grateful for the joy they bring to my school days.